Do You Have Achilles Tendon Pain?
Do you wake up and take your first few tentative steps, hoping that to is the day that the pain you are getting at the back of your ankle is away? Are you going downstairs sideways, trying to avoid that sharp, pulling pain you are getting? Scared that if you go too fast, the thick band at the back of your ankle could “snap”? Does the pain get easier as you move, but really bad if you do too much, like a really long walk or run? If this sounds like you, you could have Achilles Tendon Pain. Other common names for this are Achilles Tendinitis, Achilles Tendinopathy, and Achilles Heel Pain.
Believe it or not, we see this ALOT at our Physio clinic in Stewarton. Achilles Tendon Pain can be one of the most debilitating conditions we help people with. It is often stubborn and takes longer than people would like to get better. HOWEVER, with a plan and strategy in place, it can get better and you can get back to doing all the things you are missing out on - long walks, running, going to the gym, all of the good stuff!
What is causing the pain I hear you ask? Like all pain conditions, there are usually a number of factors that can contribute to symptoms developing. Overload/under load, ageing process, previous injury history, poor sleep/nutrition habits, to name a few. All of these things can cause changes in the structure to the tendon, causing it to function less like a tendon should, and struggle to rebuild itself over time. The rate at which the tendon is being loaded is higher than the rate it is able to recover, eventually this can lead to what we would call tendinopathy and/or pain developing.
How do we manage Achilles Tendon Pain? With a good plan, we look to control symptoms by progressively loading the tendon to allow it to function better as a tendon should. This help increase your self confidence and causes positive changes in tendon that will help eliminate pain and improve function!
Do you need more help managing Achilles Tendon Pain?
Call our team on 01563262123 to find out more about how we can help.