Do You Have Sciatica?
We hear it nearly every day in our Physio clinic in Stewarton…
“I think i’ve GOT sciatica”
“The GP told me I HAVE sciatica”
As well intentioned as this may be, it rarely helps the person who is experiencing the intense symptoms they are probably feeling.
So what is “Sciatica”?
The perception of Sciatica is that it is a condition or disease that a person develops or has. People mostly associate any low back pain, with symptoms in the leg, as Sciatica. This just simply isn’t the case. You can experience pain referral into the leg in the presence of low back pain, however, for it to be characterised as Sciatica, we are looking for some more specific symptoms. Symptoms being the key word here. Sciatica is a collections of SYMPTOMS, not a condition or disease.
Do you have intense leg pain that shoots down the back of your thigh, into the calf and foot? Is it a sharp, electric shock type of pain? Do you, or do you not have pins and needles? Numbness? Tingling? If the answer to any of these is yes, then you may have the symptoms associated with sciatic nerve sensitisation aka Sciatica.
Its important to distinguish these symptoms with other symptoms being experienced in the leg as it really can change how these symptoms are managed.
If you are experiencing these symptoms, we would highly recommend getting an assessment by a Physiotherapist to plan the best route forward to resolve these symptoms.
Call 01563262123 or email to discuss who our team can help.