What Is The Best Exercise For Back Pain?
We are asked ALL the time by new members of the Aristos Physiotherapy Community:
“What is the best exercise for back pain?”
We wish it was as easy as pointing you in the direction of a couple of exercises, and sending you on your merry way, to live life without the back pain thats been robbing you of your freedom and independence. Although we do have some favourites that we think everyone could benefit from doing, we find that the best exercises for most people, are the ones that they can stick to and do consistently, over a period of time. This is why we give no two people the exact same exercise programme when they come in to see us at Aristos Physiotherapy.
Each exercise programme should be carefully designed based on the persons ideal outcome, and meet them at the stage they are at now in their recovery journey. What we give to one person for their back pain, will be completely different to another.
So in short, there is NO best exercise for back pain. However, research has shown that doing ANY form of physical activity, has been shown to help reduce pain levels and boost confidence for those with back pain.
It can be tricky to figure out what is right for you at this point in your recovery journey. This is where a Physiotherapist can help guide you and make sure what you are currently doing, is appropriate for your stage of recovery.
To find out more about how our Aristos Physiotherapy team can help, call 01563262123 or email info@aristosphysiotherapy.co.uk